Help us by
making donation
When you donate, you not only give money, but also share your love, and give hope to those people in need.
Become a
We depend on volunteers from our local community, joining us you can both gain experience and help others.
Celebrate your
Why not use this opportunity as a chance to change lives, and it will make your birthday feel even more special.

Let’s work together for other

RM Charitable trust, a voluntary organization deals in strengthening the exercise of Child Eduaction, Child Rights, Sports health support with particular focus on the Right to Development. It primarily provides necessary support to the learning process of underprivileged children. It is mandatory for these children to attend a regular school. RM Charitable trust provides supplementary support to them after their regular school hours. The children are also educated in matters of health, hygiene, environment and sanitation. Further Humankind provides guidance for higher studies and vocational training to youth who have passed out of school as also to adults of the community. Children are also introduced to preliminary financial literacy.

Our Causes

We need your help anytime anywhere

Child Education & Development

Women Empowerment

Health Awareness

Tobacco De-Addiction Programs

Distribution of clothes

Who makes it happen

It is worth mentioning that RM charitable trust does the above work with the help of unpaid volunteers working on honorary basis. These volunteers are drawn from the retired or working concerned citizens, the students who passed out of school and were beneficiaries of the services rendered by Humankind and Interns from various colleges.

When the children progress to the level of grade 9th and 10th, they are enrolled in regular format, coaching classes. 70% of the coaching fees are borne by Humankind and balance 30% of the fees are paid by the student’s contribution. However the beneficiary students are expected to provide 2 hours voluntary service in Humankind for 6 days/ week to help the other younger children from their own community if feasible.

3+Years of activity history
520Valuable Donors
485+Our Volunteers
650Successfully Activity's

Become a Volunteer

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into living.


      Your Thoughts About New Generation Youth

      +91 99095 35253